Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I am created to be curious

I am Creative and Curious

I wonder

why people treat differences as endings.

I hear the cries of a million perspectives,

shouting louder to be heard.

I see a crazy quilt of mismatched fabric

telling one story.

I want to discover

the language of laughter.

I want to speak it fluently

I am Creative and Curious

I pretend I am not afraid

of the unknown...

I feel confused by the idea of more questions than answers.

I touch the scars of my wondering,

from the valleys of doubt…

I worry because fear shouts,

(and faith quietly whispers.)

I cry out for direction,

then don't listen for answers...

I am Creative and Curious

I understand

I am not in control,

but not why I keep trying to be...

I say I know I am because of I AM

but I easily forget how to trust

I dream of answers, of music, of flight....

I want to listen more than I speak,

I hope

the whispered

are the words

my heart follows.

I am Created to be Curious

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